About Us

Hello! We are Conner and Dana. We met in the fall of 2012 and for our first outing together we went on a hike to Twin Peaks (featured in our very first trail review!). Since then, we have gone on many hiking adventures together with our dog Bean – it is one of our favorite pastimes. We have hiked many different locations in California, ranging from our local Ventura County to the Sierra Nevada and more. We have also been lucky enough to explore areas of Ireland and New Zealand (on our honeymoon!).

Us at the top of Diamond Hill in the Connemara, Ireland.

There is something so soothing about spending time in nature. We love the simplicity of exploring an area on foot. Hiking creates opportunities to really see, experience and appreciate the natural world. More importantly, hiking allows us (and hopefully you too!) to slow down, disconnect with stresses of work/technology/life/etc. and reconnect with ourselves individually, each other, and the world around us.

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. – John Muir

View from Key Summit, New Zealand.

We decided to try turning our hobby into something more by establishing Peakish Hikers in the spring of 2018. Our mission is to create the best possible trail reviews based on our personal experiences. There are many great trail review websites and guide books already, so what makes us different? We hope that through our video reviews and blog posts we can give you – the prospective hiker – a much more thorough understanding of the hike you’re considering. Hiking can be dangerous if you are unprepared, so having a good sense of where you are going and what to expect along the way is essential. We hope the content of this blog and our videos proves useful!

Check us out on YouTubeFacebook and Instagram!

Bean, our fearless leader.